16 Nov 2017


With my third year being in almost full swing now, and the word dissertation looming just that little bit more also comes the thoughts of what the heck I'm going to do when it's all over. Which lead me to thinking about what I'll miss most when it's all done and dusted.

  1. So, first things first, I'll miss my best friends. Katherine and Monique aka my little chickens. I didn't come to uni expecting to meet two better people. Firstly Kat whose put up with me from day dot and then Mon who was the best friend we didn't know we needed till she ended up moving in with us in second year. Even the thought of us this time next year not living together makes me want to cry. So yes, seeing my favourite lil chickens everyday will be one of the things I miss most.
  2. The freedom. Moving away from home is weird, you're just one day fully independent - no having to do the dishwasher or be forced into walking the dogs. So yeah freedom to do whatever I want whenever is up there.
  3. The spontaneity. I'm going to miss the random nights that myself, Kat and Mon share in the kitchen. With us trying to be nice to each other for 5 minutes and not lasting 5 seconds, to the random dancing and singing and all those girly chats. I'll also miss the spontaneous trips to the pub, and the random last minute decision to get drunk playing card games in Harry's room on any day of the week (come back Harry). 
So there we have it. The three things I'm not quite sure how I'm going to live without when uni is officially done.



  1. This is such a cute idea! I’m in my last year as well and I agree with everything �� so sad it’s coming to an end x


    1. Thanks! I know it literally flies by so fast! xx


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